Practical CME Reviews of Oakstone Practical Reviews
Here at Modern MedEd, we are committed to helping you get the most out of your CME. This includes practical CME reviews (this one is about Practical Reviews CME, imagine that), maximizing your CME allowance, and more.

Practical Reviews Summary
Key Purchasing Decision Points:
20 specialties updated monthly
Unquestionable excellence & accuracy
Unlimited category 1 CME credits
Written & Audio Summaries
One or two years
From $599 to $1,998
Discount for 50% off!
CME Subscription Pricing
One Year: $998
Two Years: $1,998

Practical Review of Practical Reviews CME
If you are like me, you receive a handful of medical journals in the mail each month and countless more in your inbox.
Sifting through all this content can be incredibly time-consuming at best and counterproductive at worst. Some of the articles and studies are informative and insightful, some aren’t as relevant to your practice as you’d like, and some are just plain boring.
Even worse, if you want to claim Category 1 CME from a print journal, you almost certainly have even more work ahead of you.
Step one, find a pen. Good luck, you lost it on evening rounds.
Step two, use analog (handwriting) to manually complete the quiz and survey at the end. Nobody can read your chicken-scratch.
Step three, get an envelope and a stamp. And it has to be the correct stamp, otherwise it's all over. Snail-mail what is by now surely a crinkled-up, ragged-edged paper covered in a healthcare professional's handwriting.
Step four, mail carrier loses it.
Step five, wait for your certificate in the mail. Hope you don't get audited in the meantime.
Step six, toss the certificate out with the rest of the junk mail on accident. No CME credit for you.

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CME Options for the Busy Clinician
For busy clinicians, there is almost nothing worse than something that adds tedious, menial tasks to the day.
Thankfully, in today’s digital age, you can find everything you need on the internet, including effective online CME. However, the volume of CME online is growing exponentially faster than live CME.
To cope, you can sort through it yourself (see my six-step method above), which I don't recommend. You can use point-of-care apps and tools, of which there are free and paid options.
There are many free CME options at your disposal, but often these are not-so-obviously industry sponsored. You can also use some simple techniques to effectively boost the value of your CME fund, a favorite of ours around here.
Going the free route might save you a relatively minor overall expense, but since you probably have a CME allowance, is it really the best use of your time? And if we find out you left CME money on the table this year, we might have a stroke.
Look, I know you want the most relevant and timely CME you can get so you can better care for your patients. You might prefer to “check the CME requirements box” and read whatever you want to improve your skills. But what if there was a way to fill your clinical knowledge gaps and earn worthwhile CME?
Quickly Earn Relevant Category 1 CME Credits
Let's talk about Oakstone Practical Reviews. It is essentially the most relevant and practical information you want distilled and delivered to you in a media format of your choice.
With a subscription, you'll get CME on your desktop or laptop, mobile device or tablet, with written or with audio summaries.
Practical Reviews even gives you the option to get it delivered in print (yes, physical print!) to replace all those other journals.
The difference is this time the CME process actually works. That's because you're not involved until the very end. Typical smart clinician; can't figure out the easy stuff.
All the information in Practical Reviews is expertly curated from colleagues in your specialty.
Furthermore, it even comes with an optional gift card reward! Yep, this is AMA PRA Category 1 CME with a complimentary Amazon gift card.
The Quick Answer to 'How to Spend CME Money'
There are a number of CME subscription options out there to consider, most of which are good choices to buy with your annual CME money.
This leaves some questions unanswered. Questions like:
What to spend CME money on, especially during COVID-times, as nobody calls it?
Which is a better CME offer – an iPad with CME, or a $3,000 gift card with CME?
Should I subscribe to Oakstone, BoardVitals, AudioDigest, MDCalc, VisualDx, another medical app, or one of the other myriad CME choices?
Lucky for you, we have those answers, including if an iPad or a gift card with your CME is better.
Or the old Board Vitals v Audio Digest CME quandary. But since you are here, Practical Reviews just might be the best fit for you at this point in your career. Let's consider why.
Oakstone Practical Reviews CME with Gift Card Option
Practical Reviews is for specialty and general practice clinicians; physicians PAs, NPs, and even students.
And when we say specialists and general practice clinicians, we do mean all clinicians – physicians, PAs, NPs and residents.
We all need to know the same information in order to practice efficiently, safely, and to achieve better outcomes for our patients. What you know matters more than your credentials.
Moving on; let’s imagine for a moment you need psychiatry CME. Not just any psychiatry CME, but the best online psychiatry CME that earns you all your required Category 1 CME for the year.
Substitute ‘psychiatry CME' with internal medicine CME, cardiology CME, gastroenterology CME, pathology CME, or any of the other 19 specialties covered by Practical Reviews.
Practical Reviews presents quizzes for each issue, with answers individually explained by an accompanying expert audio review.
You have 24/7 access to their massive database of psychiatry (or any other specialty) journal reviews, and 14 new issues per year. The psychiatry specialty comes with up to 56 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or contact hours.
To recap:
- 16 articles summarized in each issue, each with an expert audio review
- Online quizzes and instant pass/fail notification
- Immediate access to massive database of specialty journal reviews
- 14 issues annually
- Ability to earn from a low of 56 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or contact hours to a high of unlimited CME
You can also get a subscription that includes CME with a free gift card if that's your thing. If not, simply choose the discount option.
Otherwise, check out our list of all the CME with gift card offers that are out there right now.
Who Should Use Oakstone Practical Reviews?
Any licensed healthcare professional working in one of the below 21 specialties who needs to log CME hours each year. Know anyone?
If you want relevant, curated CME in a variety of formats, including an online database, audio companions, PDF abstracts, and CME quizzes, subscribe to Practical Reviews.
This means physicians, PAs, nurse practitioners, and residents can find the most relevant CME for their specialty at any time with Practical Reviews.
Practical Reviews Special Offer
Get Practical Reviews in your specialty with a special offer from Modern MedEd.
Learn with constantly updated CME normally starting at just $599 for a full year-long CME subscription or $1198 for two years.
Purchase here and choose between one of the following options:
If you are looking for a practical (heh) way to get the most relevant updates in your specialty, Oakstone Practical Reviews is a good option. If you just want quality CME with a generous gift card offer to make the most of your CME budget, this is one of the best deals out there.
One downside is that there is no mobile app, but the website is mobile-responsive.
The makers of Practical Reviews have one of the most robust libraries of medical education, so if this isn’t for you, Oakstone is sure to have a CME offer that is.
Further Reading

Palliative Care CME & Resources: A Primer for Clinicians
Overview of palliative care, CME and more resources for healthcare professionals. By Kim Spering, FNP-BC palliative care nurse practitioner.

How Much CME Money Should You Have? (with updated 2022 data)
The allotted amount of CME money individual clinicians receive ranges wildly. Here's an evidence-based search for a fair CME allowance